We are so fortunate having such lovely beaches here in southern New Zealand and the fact that so many of them are so accessible and while I love deserted beaches, for my photos I like to have a human element. I tend to lag behind in my beach walks so I can get my long suffering “model” into the photo, in this case though, I swapped him for a more attractive silhouette 🙂 I had a search for my archives for a similar beach scene with a figure, cut it out using Photoshop’s Quick Selection Tool and then moved the selected figure into my beach image, with the unwanted person there as a reference for size it was an easy task. Once I’d got my new figure in place, I duplicated my background and cloned out the original figure.
And although I’d straightened the horizon in the original image, the line of waves gave it an illusion of “wonkiness” so I straightened the final layer using the warp tool.
Now the processing.
Tapis Vert @ Overlay 46% masked lightly from the sky portion
Tapis Vert @ Multiply 65% masked from the beach portion
Flypaper Nik Preset “Beach Walk” which will be be in an upcoming preset pack.
Tapis Vert is from the Autumn Painterly pack
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