mouse-over for before view.
It’s no secret that I love my blue hydrangeas, unfortunately I have trouble growing them, they all seem to revert to pink unless I sprinkle Aluminium Sulphate around the plant and I’m hopeless at remembering to do this, the result, pink hydrangeas this year! So while I was out on one of my daily walks I appropriated a small sprig of this beautiful blue specimen which was growing over a fence by the footpath, put it in a tiny cup and shot from directly above.
Processing as always was quick….
Kale @ Overlay 100% Masked gently from the flower. This layer was turned blueish using a hue/saturation adjustment at the following settings: with Colourise checked, Hue 225 Saturation 14 Lightness +24
Cobalt Cloud @ Overlay 77% (this is one of my favourite textures for giving a blue tone)
And that’s it 🙂
Kale is from the Ethereal Painterly Pack, Cobalt Cloud is from the Summer Painterly Pack
Please visit our Pack page or Combo Pack page to buy Flypaper Textures. Or our Preset Page to buy Nik Presets.
We recommend : Topaz filters !!