It’s midwinter here in New Zealand and to celebrate the winter solstice Dunedin holds a midwinter festival, the highlight of which is the lantern parade. This years one was held on Sunday night after being cancelled on Saturday due to rain, paper lanterns and rain aren’t a good combination! It’s a magical evening with children carrying lanterns they’ve made themselves at lantern making workshops from tissue paper and bamboo, larger intricate lanterns -this years special one was of a unicorn, music and dancers.
As you may imagine taking photos of this event is tricky (darkness and crowds) so I came home with many out of focus or too dark images, I did try using the flash but on the whole the photos where I didn’t use flash are more interesting.
This one had a Degas type look to it so I decided to enhance that with textures.
Nik color efex Ink filter (sorry the settings haven’t saved but it was the first on the list)
Aotea Mist @ Soft Light 78%
Curves layer to tweak tone and brightness.
Please visit our Pack page or Combo Pack page to buy Flypaper Textures.