Perhaps its sacrilege to say but sometimes you’ll have a batch of images that don’t suit textures! They might already be busy enough or too dark, flash images or like the one above where I just wanted to keep it clean so you can still see the water splashes clearly. Its sister image ‘Jump’ that went viral on the net was slightly textured, but only to rebalance and colour, though that was way back as these days we’re cooking with gas, we love Nik color Efex pro here at Fly central and we love Flypaper Textures, put them together and you have a marriage made in heaven!
Thus over a year or so we started saving our home made presets and then because the few we gave away free were popular we decided there just might be a market for them, especially as we’d not come across anybody else doing them, the few free ones we’d found were just awful! So, to fill that gap and help you guys retain our popular Flypaper processed look, viola our first Fly Nik Preset set was launched and we’re pleased to say its sold like hot cakes!
Here are two of my sisters having fun on Surin Beach, Phuket in Thailand, it was my first trip out there to visit one of my little sisters new gated holiday houses. The waves were freakishly high on this occasion, normally the floating dock was calm, so it just goes to prove that carrying your camera pays off in the end!
For the processing, I just created and used the Fly Thailand Surfers Preset from our Pack 1. (please excuse the typo in the first batch of downloads, subsequently corrected) It contains 5 stage filters which you adjust to suit your image or click off the ones you don’t need. If you’re happy with it click ok, then if you’re doing a batch, the same preset will continue to be selected for every image you open without going back into Nik, if you click the first option in your filters drop down list, which is called Last Filter Used in photoshop CC.
Please visit our Pack page or Combo Pack page to buy Flypaper Textures.