First of all for those of you that missed the announcement, at last we have page numbers at the bottom of our Blog so you can visit our older posts more easily. We’ve also added a brand new Tag cloud page (accessed from the drop down menu under Blog. It is still having some teething issues and doesn’t display properly in Firefox but that’s being worked on. Many of our older posts which were transferred over from our old blog still won’t show up in the tag search as they’re not tagged but that’s being rectified at the moment, in addition the mouseovers for the older posts no longer work so if you desperately want to see what the “before” looks like, you’ll have to do a search on our old Blog.
Okay back to the photo, this was taken on a road trip along dusty gravel roads to inland Otago early one summer morning, the fog had just lifted and they were standing on their rock being curious as cattle are, watching a mob of sheep being moved into a neighbouring paddock.
Onto the processing…
Alluvione @ Soft Light 47% masked from the ground and cattle.
Tiepolo @ Soft Light 100% gently masked from the cattle and upper portion of image.
Ducale @ Overlay 100% masked from cattle.
Tempesta @ Overaly 60% destaturated.
I finished with a levels adjustment to tweak tone and then one of my little secret processing tips which can also help with the overall toning. Create a black and white adjustment layer to your taste and put it in Luminosity blending mode. It really just adds depth to the tones in a very subtle way.
All the textures are from the August Painterly Pack.
Please visit our Pack page or Combo Pack page to buy Flypaper Textures.