Painterly Roses
Welcome to our brand new updated Flypaper website! Take the time to explore, especially the blog where you’ll find texture recipes for some of our photos.
Hopefully now we’ll post more often so keep an eye out for new posts!
As you’ve probably gathered I love roses and took a photo of these Cecile Brunner or sweet heart roses late last year when they were at their best.
Texturing was really simple. I revisited one of our favourite Texture Packs the Summer Painterly and chose the appropriately named Brushed Rose texture, it’s a favourite of mine for it’s lovely brush strokes.
So, onto the recipe.
Brushed Rose @ Hard light 100% with the texture removed from the flowers via a layer mask.
The Brushed Rose layer was desaturated to taste using a hue/saturation adjustment.
Et Voila!
Incidentally using the texture at hard light is a great way to cover up backgrounds, but you’ve got to choose the texture carefully and remove it from the focus area.
As I’ve said above, Brushed rose is in the Summer Painterly Pack.