Welcome to our new Paper Painterly pack! This pack of largely paper derived textures is a mix of painterly brush strokes and antique papers, we’ve also included 3 original patterned wallpaper fragment derived textures, perfect for backgrounds amongst other things.
The Flypaper Paper Painterly Pack contains 42 rectangular shaped textures, all but 3 are landscape orientated and all have a minimum size of 4000 x 5000 pixels and are at industry printing standard 300dpi.
All our textures can be used in any editing programme that supports the use of layers, Photoshop, Photoshop Elements, Gimp etc You can also use our textures on your Ipad, Android and smart phones if you have the Photoshop Touch app installed. You can only use them in Lightroom if you use an add-on that allows Lightroom to use layers such as Perfect Layers.
To download, click on the add to cart button, a download link will be sent to you upon payment.
Paper Painterly Photographic Textures
42 Painterly Grunge Textures
It’s a large file, so depending on your connection may take a while to download, so why not grab a coffee while you’re waiting.
The textures in the pack are: Aegean, Amber Crazing, Ancient Paper, Andaman, Arctic Circle, Atlantic, Baltic, Bavarian Suede, Beaufort, Blue Rose, Blueprint, Bruised Stone, Canvas Mist, Caspian, Clean Slate, Codex, Cracked Coral, Da Vinci Sketchbook, Fly Spotted, Foxing, Frozen Ocean, Glacial Ice, Glassine, Harlequin Wall, Jurassic Amber, Napoleons Wall, Origami, Pacific, Paper Mache, Papyrus, Quire, Sargasso, Scotia, Scriptorium, Shellac Crack, Shrimp Paste, Silk Velvet, Somov, Tasman, Vellum, Voynich and Whiteout.
Please note, that sometimes Photoshop will open these textures in ACR (Camera Raw) instead of in PS itself, the simple fix for this is in Photoshop, go to Edit>Preferences>File Handling> Click on Camera Raw Preferences and in the Jpeg and Tiff handling box choose disable Jpeg support.