You can definitely feel winter is on its way here in southern New Zealand. On the day that this photo was taken the wind was decidedly brisk to say the least. As we walked down the beach I for one wished I’d brought a jacket. When we were almost back to the car I spotted these to children playing in the sea, they were the only people swimming, I should add here that our sea temperatures are never warm even in midsummer; as I passed their mother who was watching them I said to her “they’re brave” and she, wearing jacket and hat agreed!
Although the original was nice I decided to give this the classic Flypaper Texture painterly look. Both textures used are from the Autumn Painterly set.
Orris @ Overlay 100%
Versailles @Overlay 100% with the colour tweaked a little with a hue saturation adjustment.
Please visit our Pack page or Combo Pack page to buy Flypaper Textures.