It’s been far too long since our last before/after photo and texture recipe blog post! Time has been short of late as we’ve been busy with many other projects. Hopefully we’ll be blogging a bit more frequently in the future though.
It’s late spring here in southern New Zealand and the bluebells are flowering, these ones were picked at our country hut where they grow wild under the trees…my very own English bluebell wood.
Flypaper Waxworks Textures Launch
Welcome to our very first encaustic wax worked texture set! We noticed how popular waxing photographic prints had become some time ago and made a note to ourselves to do something along those lines, then this year the right time finally came about and we kitted ourselves up with loads of natural beeswax, natural pigment powders, bookbinding irons and blow guns, heated trays and bain maries, quite a job just to get kitted out! Then came the fun bit, hot and smelly but surprisingly enjoyable once all the windows were opened!