This Panel Selection Pack is a a Hi Res version of our textures which are included with the Adobe texture panel, these have up till now just been in a web sized 72 dpi version. After many requests for this full size version we are now publishing this whopping 51 sized texture selection pack! This pack can now serve as a full size compilation sample pack, as it contains textures from a wide variety of Flypaper packs, from Tin Edges, to cracks and metallic and loads from our very popular painterly sets, its basically an all rounder pack!
This pack is a high resolution version of the Adobe panel textures that you’ll possibly already have if you’ve purchased a wide variety of previous Flypaper Texture packs.
The textures range in size, but are all 4000 pixels on their shortest edge, they are all at industry printing standard 300ppi for perfect printing.
All our textures can be used in any editing programme that supports the use of layers, Photoshop, Photoshop Elements, Gimp etc You can also use our textures on your iPad, Android and smartphones if you have a suitable app installed. You can only use them in Lightroom if you use an add-on that allows Lightroom to use layers such as Perfect Layers.
To download, click on the add to cart button, a download link will be sent to you upon payment.
Texture Panel Selection Pack
51 Assorted Textures
Please note, it’s a big file so why not grab a coffee while you’re waiting for the download 🙂
The textures in the Panel Selection Pack with their original pack names in brackets are:
Alice (Metallic), Apple Blush (Tex Box 1), Atlantic (Paper Painterly), Aquaflore (Autumn Painterly), Aquarius (Summer Painterly), Brushed Rose(Summer Painterly), Burnished Clay (Tex Box 2), Casanova (August Painterly), Caspian (Paper Painterly), Chatsworth (Autumn Painterly), Colosseum Sienna (Tex Box 2), Creme Anglais (Spring Painterly), Dangerous Liaisons (Tex Box 1) Danielli (August Painterly), Dawn Grunge (Summer Painterly), Dorian Grey (Summer Painterly), Elysisum (Tex Box 1) , Fly Edge 3 (Fly Edges), Fly Edge 4(Fly Edges), Ezekiel Plum (Summer Painterly), Gertrude Jekyll (Autumn Painterly), Hampton (Autumn Painterly), Iridescent Brush (Summer Painterly), Labyrinth (Tex Box 2), Leaky Garrett (Tex Box 1), Lemoncello (Spring Painterly), Lime Plaster (Tex Box 2), Lyme Fossil (Spring Painterly), Masque (August Painterly), Metallic Ice (Metallic), Muscatel (Tex Box 2), Necropolis (Tex Box 1), Newt Spring Painterly), Nuriel Clouds (Summer Painterly), Oakmoss (Autumn Painterly) Orange Blossom (Spring Painterly), Oval Crack, Pastel Copper (Metallic), Peach Blush (Tex Box 2},Pistacho (Summer Painterly), Rainbow Trout (Tex Box 2}, Raw Linen (Tex Box 1}, Rococo (August Painterly),Sakura Skies (Spring Painterly), Sariel Leather (Summer Painterly), Smoker (Metallic), Stygian Tin (Summer Painterly), Touchstone (Summer Painterly), Verdigris Scratch (Metallic), Versailles (Autumn Painterly), Villa Adriana (Spring Painterly).