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Something a bit different from me this time! You see, every few weeks a group I am a member of over on Flickr runs a fun photo challenge where you’re given three elements and have to create a new photo, it’s in the Utata group for anyone interested and the challenge is called Iron Photographer, the elements are often very random but it’s great fun…I’m an Iron Photographer addict 🙂 This time around the elements were feet and a digging tool with antique processing. I thought to my myself, our Flypaper Tintypes will be perfect for the antique element, et voila!
To start with I converted the photo to black and white, I used Nik Silver efex to do this, but you could use Photoshop black and white adjustments.
Tintype 5 @ Normal 100%
Then a copy of the black and white layer which I made smaller using the adjustment handles so it would fit inside the tintype edge, I softened the edges slightly using a layer mask to brush away some of the photo layer.
Tintype 5 @ colour dodge 29%
Then another black and white conversion to get your desired tone etc.
Tintype 5 is from the Tintype Edges Pack.
Please visit our Pack page or Combo Pack page to buy Flypaper Textures. Or our Preset Page to buy Nik Presets.
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