Firstly, Jill and I would like to say a big Hi to the fans of the DPS site!
It was a pleasure to answer questions for Mary Andrade’s feature on –
‘Tips for Texturing Photographs’ over on the DPS site.
For all newcomers to to Flypaper, simply mouse-over the images for a fast before/after effect!
Another dawn beach shot from Eastbourne on the English Channel coast. Taken with a Lensbaby Compositor with the aperture fully open.
The great thing about retro lens effects is the way they add a soft antique look when photographing subjects from another age,
in this case the ageless wave breakers. Without the lensbaby’s softened edges this image would be quite different, almost abstract.
I could have left the image a darkly moody one, but chose instead to try and make it a little more painterly by using textures from the new flypaper spring painterly set.
Orange Blossom – Overlay @ 54%
Umbra Eclipse – Overly @ 100% brushed away from bottom half
Opal – Soft Light @ 100% brushed away from top half
Newt – Color @ 19%
Afterwords the flattened imaged was brightened with the CS5 Adjustments – Levels.
The end result, I think you’ll agree, is like turning the light on! 🙂