Farmed deer are a common site here in New Zealand, in the 80’s when farmers were struggling many of them diversified and started farming deer. I love seeing them in their paddocks…the little white-tail deer are my favourites. I think these are probably red deer and I also think there may be fauns hiding there amongst the grass.

Fairly simple processing this time.
First of all cloned out the fence.
Then the textures were….
Peach blush @ Soft Light 66%
Peach blush again @ Colour Dodge 22 % I removed the texture of this layer from the sky by using a layer mask *notes to self to post a layer mask tutorial soon*
Peach blush yet again @ Hard light 42% This time much of the texture was removed from the land
Ming @ Soft light 44 % it’s colour was warmed with a hue saturation layer
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