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Another small scented treasure that’s flowering in my garden at the moment. Lily-of-the-valley is one of my favourite flowers and I look forward to its season every year.  It’s amazing how such a small flower can give so much fragrance, a tiny sprig can fill a room with it’s scent.

Now the processing, I didn’t like the darkness of the wood in the background of this shot so used textures to lighten and brighten. The recipe is very simple.
Lyme Fossil @overlay 47%
Peach Blush @ Hard light 100% masked from the focus areas (it’s this texture that did the lightening of the wood.
Copy of Background @ soft light 50%
I could have left it at this but to soften things slightly I added
Gelato Ice @ screen 10%

Lyme Fossil and Gelato Ice are from the Spring Painterly Pack, Peach Blush is from Tex Box 2
See it slightly bigger on Flickr

Please visit our Pack page or Combo Pack page to buy Flypaper Textures.