Just around the corner from my house the famous composer-
Camille Saint-Saëns stopped for several weeks, when it was a hotel,
its the one with the open window. I’d been meaning to take a decent picture of this corner for ages, but over bright sunlight, dark shadows and the bane of my life, parked cars had always stopped me. So when I came across it in a clear state with nice soft light, I jumped at it!
The original picture is about half as big again, the part used is from the upper-center of a portrait format. I had to warp the house tops into a sort-of straight vertical, to get them square. Leaving a slightly rounded top to the houses, which I quite liked in an illustrative kind of way!
I spent quite a long time cleaning up/removing the electric wires and bollards and signs from the frontage, as is shown. I mostly used lasso on the bollards and a clone tool on the wires. I wanted a kind-of original antique look, leaving only the street light,
which could have been gas lit at the turn of the last century when the composer stayed here.
From first summer painterly textures used to the last;
Iorek Ice Multiply @ 100%
Aquarius Luminosity @ 77%
Aquarius Soft Light @ 60%
Desert Djinn Soft Light @ 100% (flipped vertically)
3 copies of base picture with sky brushed away @
Pin Light 30%
Soft Light 99%
Soft Light 99%
This was to beef up the graphical quality, with my usual slight painterly effect. in various strengths. Gentle use of the Water colour filter giving it the biggest change.
Here I could have left it, but found it a little too flat, so I opened up Tex Box 2 and used:
Labyrinth Linear Light @ 29%
Muscatel soft Light @ 61%
Adding a ‘vignette effect’ and enriching.
As ever you can see the finished big version on my Flickr.
Please visit our Pack page or Combo Pack page to buy Flypaper Textures.