Plums on white

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A slightly different starting photo and slightly different processing.
I’m enjoying playing with photos in this soft desaturated style and have discovered after many failures that choice of subject and background are very important and likewise light, soft indirect light seems to give the best results.
After much playing with textures, I think I’ve come up with a winning combination:-)

I duplicated the background to start with.
Using a Hue Saturation layer I reduced the saturation a touch.
Burnished Clay @ Hardlight 68%
Sail cloth @ Overlay 55%
Sail cloth @ screen 7% (this layer probably could have been omitted)
Gosgrain @ screen 54 % desaturated to taste. I started off having this layer toned blue to give the finished image a slight blue hue but changed my mind at the last moment and opted for just slightly desaturating the green of the texture. A touch of texture was removed from the focus fruit.

….and yes, that’s a cup ring you see on the original background (a piece of cardboard), textures are so good at covering up such things 🙂

The above processing is very similar to what I used on my recent stone and bowl image on flickr.
Please visit our Pack page or Combo Pack page to buy Flypaper Textures.