Vintage French Flower Seed Labels


We love collections here at Flypaper HQ and as we’re both keen gardeners we were delighted to come across these two huge sets of vintage French seed pack illustrations at a local flea market store in Burgundy, France.



We love collections here at Flypaper HQ and as we’re both keen gardeners we were delighted to come across these two huge sets of vintage French seed pack illustrations at a local flea market store in Burgundy, France.

These scrumptiously coloured labels were printed from the mid to late 1800’s using a rich multi-layered chromolithograph printing process that ceased being used over 100 years ago so they are now almost certainly out of Copyright.

They were printed on sheets then cut into slips of paper that were later glued to little white paper seed packs with their planting instructions hand block printed on their backs. We have samples of these and are illustrated as above. As they were hand-cut these gloriously rich labels differ slightly in sizes though we have scanned all in the same print-friendly 300dpi and are shipped in normal Jpeg. Each label is around 2800 by 4600 pixels.

Each pack contains around 80 different labels and has been lovingly scanned and cleaned-up where needed.

Possible uses include: Decoupage, graphics, bunting, posters , greeting-cards, napkins, menus, invitations, scapbooking, image transferring, cushion covers and stickers, the possibilities are endless!

To download, click on the add to cart button, a download link will be sent to you upon payment.

Flowers list:

Adonide Goutte De Sang, Adonide Goutte Sang, Ageratum Mexique Bleu, Amarante Crete Coq,Amarantoide Immortelle, Ancolie Jardins Double, Balsamine Double Camelia, Campanule Grosse Fleur DoubleCapucine Grande Variee, Capucine Hybride Lobb, Capucine Naine Tom Pouce, Celosie a Panache, Chrysantheme Jardins Double, Cineraire Maritime, Clarkia Elegant Double, Cobee Scandens, Coquelicot Double Varie, Coquelourde, Coreopsis Elegant, Cosmos Hybride Express, Crepis Varie, Dahlia Cactus, Digitale Gloxinoide, Eschscholtzia Colifornie, Fhlox Drummond Grande, Gaillarde Peinte, Gaillarde Peinte Double, Giroflee Quarantaine Grande, Giroflee Quarantaine, Gypsophile Blanc, Haricot Fleurs, Immortelle Annuelle, Ipomee Volubilis, Lin Grande Rouge, Lobelia Erinus Bleu, Marjolaine, Matricaire Double, Muflier Demi Nain, Muflier Grand, Myosotis Alpes Varie, Myosotis Bleu Alpes, Oeillet Blanc, Oeillet de Chine, Oeillet de Poete Geant, Oeillet Fleurists,Oeillet Grenadin Double, Oeillet Inde, Oeillet Marguerite Double Remontant, Oeillet Poete Eclatant, Oeillet Poete, Paquerette Blanche, Paquerette Double, Pavot Double Grand, Pensee Anglaise, Pensee Blanc Pur, Pensee Geante Roggli, Pensee Grande Panachee Variee, Pensee Madame Perret, Pensee Trimardeau Grande, Pervenche Madagascar, Petunia Nain Rose, Pied Aalouette Nain, Pied Alouette Des Bles, Pois Senteur Varie, Reine Marguerite Comete, Reine Marguerite Naine Chrys, Reine Marguerite Naine, Reine Marguerite Pyramidale Pivoine, Reseda Pyramidale Grande, Ricin Sanguin, Rose Tremiere Double, Salpiglossis Hybride, Sauge Ecarlate Grande, Scabieuse Grande Double, Thlaspi Melange, Verveine Hybride Variee, Verveine Hybride, Zinnia Double Dahlia Varie, Soleil double Californie.