This was taken at the top of the Old Man Range, the mountain range that overlooks Alexandra and is over 6000 metres. There’s a very steep road to the top, put in to service a TV transmitter. Going up there is like visiting a whole new world, it’s remarkably flat on the top with the occasional huge rock tor rising out of the ground. The landscape at first glance looks barren but there are a multitude of low growing alpine plants, low growing because of the extreme climate, it’s very exposed and windy and nothing on the top “plain” grows more than a few centimetre high. In winter it’s covered in snow, and when we were up there in midsummer there were still patches of snow in the valleys.
This is one of the many photos I took up there….
All the textures I used were from the second pack.
Lavender Skies @Overlay 69% This is a remarkably versatile texture. I used it in this case to lighten up the under exposed foreground. Some of the texture was removed from the sky using a mask.
Beowulf @ Overlay 100 %
Algae @ Soft Light 75%
Algae @ Overlay 33 %
This combination gave a soft watercolour look to the landscape (which looks much better bigger than the small version you see here or on flickr).
Please visit our Pack page or Combo Pack page to buy Flypaper Textures.