Our Southern French countryside is dotted with these ancient stone windmill ruins. There must be hundreds but I’ve seen only a couple that have been restored. The backdrop being our black mountains, which help to protect our Mediterranean coastal plains from the worst excesses of the northern European winter cold.
The field contains freshly planted vines, the soil disturbance having caused these very fragrant ancient winter flowering weeds to thrive once more. They are pink/white and I have no idea what they might be, we always see them in organic winter vineyards, their perfume is intoxicating, reminding me of carnations. In this image I’ve tried to evoke that rich, heady scent.
I’ve used textures from both One and Two from the first used to the last.
Lost Void (upside-down) ~ Overly ~ Opacity @ 26%
Caramel cream ~ Overly ~ Opacity @ 61%
Ordinance Map ~ Color Burn ~ Opacity @ 17%
Antique Liaisons ~ Overly ~ Opacity @ 78%
Raw Linen ~ Soft Light ~ Opacity @ 100%
Chlorophyll ~ Overly ~ Opacity @ 17%
Labyrinth ~ Soft Light ~ Opacity @ 68%