The bluebells in my garden are in full bloom at the moment, they may not live up to my dream of an English bluebell wood but they're lovely anyway. These were processed relatively quickly ( I say quickly because sometimes my processing can take hours and this one took...
close up
These lovely little forget-me-nots grow like a weed in my garden, I can see why they're so successful at spreading too, as their seeds tend to stick to your clothes in a big way! Of course I don't mind their weedy tendencies at all, in fact they're one of my favourite...
Dragonfly on the sand dunes
To enliven this dragonfly in front of an 'out of focus' sand dune,I simply added several layers of flypaper's 'Nora batty'At various mixes.
Softly softly….
I took this yesterday when we visited our hut in the country to the south of Dunedin, everything was wonderfully spring-like with the soft greens of the willows, daffodils amongst the grass, little lambs over the fence and the flowering cherry in full glorious...