It’s been a wonderful summer here in southern New Zealand, in fact a record breaking one temperature wise. My garden has certainly loved the extra warmth, I’ve had a bumper crop of tomatoes and more cucumbers than I know what to do with, and the pumpkin has gone berserk, as a result my pantry shelves are laden with jars of pickles and preserves. I’m in the midst of bottling unsweetened apple puree at the moment, I use it though the year as a base for smoothies, the apples (and all the fruit) have been very early in ripening this year.
Sorry it’s been such a long time since our last post! We’ve both been busy with more important things like holidays:-) I have spent a lovely 10 days on the tiny Pacific Island of Niue, it’s such a relaxing and laid back kind of place and I’d love to return some day. I took lots of photos but most didn’t do the place justice and most aren’t really suitable for textures so you may not see them here, but if you picture coconut palms, very clear water, rock pools to snorkel or swim in and whales that you can see from the shore you’ll get an idea of what Niue is like.