Without further ado, welcome to the 2nd set of much requested fly presets!
The first set was a general catching-up set, but in feedback people told us they were slightly overwhelmed with 80+ presets so this time it’s a reduced, creme de la creme set that will keep you au courant with all the new flypaper processed imaging!
We’re hoping to add to this every few months, depending on our output, whilst keeping the price as low as possible.
Flypaper Nik Presets Launch!
Today we proudly launch our 84 Flypaper Nik Color Pro Presets! We’ve been using, publicising and including them in our tutorials for years, so thought it was about time we shared them! With presets you can produce stunning, modern movie looking images, without degrading your original image, its just a new layer, like a flypaper texture layer that you can continue to further process with flypaper textures for rich impressionistic images or brighten rebalance and stylise!