


During the recent summer holidays we paid a visit to the Catlins, a beautiful unspoilt coastal area to the south of Dunedin. The day we visited it wasn’t very summery, but looking on the bright side, the overcast showery conditions did lead to wonderfully moody photos, the kind that are so good for texturing. After a walk to Jacks Blowhole  (stunning coastal views but a fairly chilly walk since I was dressed for summer); we stopped for lunch at a bay at the mouth of the Catlins River

Patong beach in Phuket

To spice up this Thai beach landscape I used just one Flypaper texture,Apple Crumble @ Full Blur filter mode and Overlay @ 82%.This resort was badly damaged by the tsunami several years ago.Many locals and visitors lost their lives. Patong in Phuket, pictured above...