This was taken on one of those hot summer days early in the morning when there was thick fog in the valleys. We were travelling to inland Otago via a road known as the Dunstan Trail which was used by the early settlers and miners heading to the Dunstan goldfields in...
Tarte Tatin
This wonderful tree sits in the middle of farmland high in the South Otago hills. From the first time I saw it 3 or so years ago I loved it and now I try and stop each time we go past. My aim is to take a photo from the paddock itself (this was taken from the road)...
Flypaper Iris
Sometimes when you're texturing it's a toss up between the subtle approach or a heavy treatment. With this iris I spent what seemed like hours trying to get the balance right, it looked nice subtle but in my eyes anyway, looks better with the texture more pronounced.I...
Faded Memories
These half dead flowers are the remainder from an earlier photo session but they caught my eye when I was trying out my new 50mm lens. Focusing at f1.4 is very hit and miss I can see even with auto focus :-)Processed with Flypaper Textures Tarte Tatin @ Soft light...
Baby Blues
Another photo shoot with the forget-me-nots, flowers are so much easier to photograph than people :-)This was taken with my macro lens and cropped square.I processed it using Tarte Tatin at overlay 22 % and Pompeii Stucco at Screen 40% I used a layer mask to remove...
Golden Gingko
Gingko leaves in an old bottle with an added touch of our wonderful "Tarte Tatin" texture to give depth and a painterly look.
This photo was taken on the way to Central Otago here in NZ on a freezing winters day. As you can see from the original (mouseover to see) it was an almost monochrome landscape. I used our Tarte Tatin and Antique Liaisons textures to add depth and then toned blue to...