


  I love taking photos of fruit and it doesn't worry me if they're a bit past their prime, I think all the wrinkles and spots add to the interest. These scruffy little specimens came from a tree growing beside a road which probably undoubtedly started life as an...


Today I went to our city's huge 24 hour second hand book sale held in the theatre it raises funds for. There are thousands of books on sale with more put out all the time so it's a great way to stock the shelves. Book dealers are there in force and you can spot them a...


These very small and very scruffy apples came from a roadside tree, I'd picked them hoping they'd be sour as I had intended making a savoury chilli jelly,  I discovered however that  they're sweet with very tough skins....definitely not for eating but they made good...

the scary bit

On rediscovering my Thailand vacation pictures from last year, I still find the odd thing to process. This was shot in Portrait format, on a fast speedboat launch in poor early morning light, thus unfortunately most shots from this batch suffer from a little camera...