
Walking the dog

At this time of the year when our evenings are long and it doesn't get dark until around 10pm so we often go for a walk on the beach after dinner.We weren't alone at the beach this night, as well as the few walkers, runners and dogs there was also a solitary sea-lion...

fishing trip

On Sunday afternoon just to curb the midwinter 'Cabin fever' we drove up towards the mountains. The light was clear and the air was crisp, but this time I diverted, hung a left and drove to 'Lake Salagou'.Normally its a tourist nightmare, being the biggest and most...

red box

Back in early July we made a special trip to the beach at sunset just to photograph the full moon rising over the Mediterranean.The light was superbly opalescent, and I was lucky, as I captured several nice images as well as the later moonrise.This is one, a huge red...

Family Walk

Another day another beach! I took this last weekend when we went for a quick walk at Doctors Point near Dunedin. Since my family isn't cooperative when it comes to photos I have to make the most of any opportunities when it comes to getting some human interest in my...

Patong beach in Phuket

To spice up this Thai beach landscape I used just one Flypaper texture,Apple Crumble @ Full Blur filter mode and Overlay @ 82%.This resort was badly damaged by the tsunami several years ago.Many locals and visitors lost their lives. Patong in Phuket, pictured above...