Tex Box 2

Pretty Bells

Sometimes when you're using textures things come together perfectly first try. This is what happened with this image. Only a few textures were used too, and if I take a similar photo I think I'll be trying this combo again, in fact I might try it on the daisy photo...

Ode to Spring

Tulips are such elegant flowers and in a way I'd love to be able to grow them en-masse like this, but massed bedding displays don't really suit my style of gardening as I garden by the "overflowing and abundance" cottage garden method. Thankfully the botanic gardens...


It was a grey damp day here yesterday so I decided to take some still-lifes indoors as the light was soft. I used my favourite 50mm lens at f1.8  which accounts for the fairly shallow depth of field. The backdrop is a piece of pale blue velvet that I rediscovered...

green pineapple

This week I started a new Photoshelter account and was searching for images to stock it with, when I came across this abandoned oldie from February. Coming from a batch of pears I'd shot, it had been rejected because it was a little over-textured. But by simply...


Back to one of favourite subjects, dried climbing hydrangea flowers; this one was taken last autumn in my basement "studio". The reality of my studio is quite different to how it appears in my photos but I don't think I'll go into that or it will ruin the mystique, I...

Sunday Stroll

I've got lots of photos like this with distant people walking on the beach, at one stage I'd have wanted an completely deserted beach but now I seek out opportunities like this.  Luckily our beaches down here are often all but deserted, especially at this time of the...

Grunge Spring

This is the flower of the onion weed or Allium triquetrum  -not one of my favourite plants as it spreads so readily and is very hard to get rid of once you have it.  Apparently it can be used to replace spring onions in cooking so it does have its uses. It does have...

HDR Bottle

I came across this antique French Quinine bottle in the dunes, it had arrived on the high spring tides and made a nice change from the other modern plastic rubbish we get! Quinine was extensively used here in my area in the south of France as an everyday treatment for...

Wish you were here….

This was taken at a lovely little beach called Bobby's Head about half an hour north of Dunedin which is now a wildlife reserve,  there's been much planting over the past 15 or so years to restore the area to its natural state after years of farming. The beach has...

Bright Star

Bright star, would I were stedfast as thou art- Not in lone splendour hung aloft the night And watching, with eternal lids apart, Like nature's patient, sleepless Eremite, The moving waters at their priestlike task Of pure ablution round earth's human shores, Or...