
Fly Muse 20 Launch

Fly Muse 20 Launch

Our new first pack of the year the Fly Muse 20 pack of textures has been created to satisfy a demand for fans who have requested we bring out a smaller, cheaper pack who don’t want to spend as much $40 on a pack but still want our normal pro-sized textures.
This could be the start of a whole new sized texture pack series, depending on how popular they are with our fans, so feedback would be appreciated!

Bird Brush Launch

Bird Brush Launch

mouse-over for before view.
How many fellow photographers have had beautiful landscapes that just lacked a certain – je ne sais quoi? – a certain something?Well now flypaper textures can help you out yet again with our brand new Bird Brushes!
Welcome to our second Brush set, this time we have Birds! All kinds of birds, flying, standing, perching on wires and in trees, ducks and geese flying in formation and several skies full of starlings!We’ve already used several brushes over the past few months in trials and the feedback has been so good that nobody could tell they were brushes



Once again apologies for the lack of recipe blog posts recently, we’ve been very busy with pack launches and suchlike, hopefully we’ll be posting more here soon, I know Paul has some lovely ones to share with you but in the meantime, another flower!

These aquilegia also have the very apt common name of Granny’s Bonnets, you can just imagine granny in her pretty pastel blue bonnet! Another common name for them is columbine, which apparently comes from the Latin for dove as the inverted flower resembles 5 doves crowded together.

Flypaper Nik Presets 6 Launch

Flypaper Nik Presets 6 Launch

Welcome to our brand new, up to date popular presets for Nik Color Efex. This 6th pack of 44 Fly Nik Color presets includes a recent pro couple shoot in sunset lighting and also a mixture of subtle and dramatic and are perfect for jazzing up your holiday and pro imagery, for use with textures and without, the sample images pictured above are mostly without so you can get an idea of their effects, a few of the above images are not yet published, but we’ll blog those shortly using some of the presets in this pack.

Edges 3  Launch

Edges 3 Launch

Need to add authentic age to Steampunk imagery or attain a fantasy Alice in Wonderland photographic look?
Did you yearn for a natural large plate format photographic feel?
Have you ever wanted natural un-contrived edges that are not the everyday humdrum TTV retro, but something a little bit special?
Then this is the product for you!:-)

Label and Frame Brushes Launch

Label and Frame Brushes Launch

Welcome to our very first Flypaper Brush pack launch!

Both Jill and I are into bottling our excess garden produce in a big way, so this little label and frame pack comes in very useful for us too !

Most of the brush images are from antique Victorian woodblocks and are well worn with use, we have a collection of several hundred and thought this first set would be just in time for preserving season in the northern hemisphere, they’ll also be perfect for the ever popular home-made Christmas goodies.



Sorry it’s been such a long time since our last post! We’ve both been busy with more important things like holidays:-) I have spent a lovely 10 days on the tiny Pacific Island of Niue, it’s such a relaxing and laid back kind of place and I’d love to return some day. I took lots of photos but most didn’t do the place justice and most aren’t really suitable for textures so you may not see them here, but if you picture coconut palms,  very clear water, rock pools to snorkel or swim in  and whales that you can see from the shore you’ll get an idea of what Niue is like.

Tempest Painterly Launch

Tempest Painterly Launch

Nurtured through an el Nino’s stormy season, the wettest spring or autumn, depending on your hemisphere, in over 100 years and having a swirly, misty, almost tonal feel, we quickly fell upon the Tempest name for this set.

Vintage Boots

Vintage Boots

Something a bit different from me this time! You see,  every few weeks a group I am a member of over on Flickr runs a fun photo challenge where you’re given three elements and have to create a new photo, it’s in the Utata group for anyone interested and the challenge is called Iron Photographer, the elements are often very random but it’s great fun…I’m an Iron Photographer addict 🙂  This time around the elements were feet and a digging tool with antique processing. I thought to my myself, our Flypaper Tintypes will be perfect for the antique element, et voila!

Late Roses

Late Roses

These are almost the last roses of the season and what a wonderful summer and autumn it’s been here too with sunny days, mild temperatures and not as much rain as usual. Winter has arrived today though as has the rain! Roll on spring!