Welcome to our brand new updated Flypaper website! Take the time to explore, especially the blog where you’ll find texture recipes for some of our photos.

Welcome to our brand new updated Flypaper website! Take the time to explore, especially the blog where you’ll find texture recipes for some of our photos.
After receiving many requests over the years for an artist’s canvas themed pack we finally pulled this selection together from all our packs and then created almost half as many more new textures, filling gaps in the collection with natural burlap, rough dark linen, tinted canvas and much more.
Welcome to this years full pack launch into outer space! This time it’s another addition to our most popular Painterly series, its theme is ‘Celestial’ which includes the names of stars and noble gasses as we thought we could discern swirling nebula gases and the textural landscapes of distant planets, without actually moving to Canada and enjoying getting spaced out!;-)
We’ve created this pack to be as easy to use as possible and over the recent weeks whilst we’ve been trailing them we found them good at beefing up landscapes and still life’s a treat with their muted tones and misty depths.
Welcome to our very first encaustic wax worked texture set! We noticed how popular waxing photographic prints had become some time ago and made a note to ourselves to do something along those lines, then this year the right time finally came about and we kitted ourselves up with loads of natural beeswax, natural pigment powders, bookbinding irons and blow guns, heated trays and bain maries, quite a job just to get kitted out! Then came the fun bit, hot and smelly but surprisingly enjoyable once all the windows were opened!
Our new first pack of the year the Fly Muse 20 pack of textures has been created to satisfy a demand for fans who have requested we bring out a smaller, cheaper pack who don’t want to spend as much $40 on a pack but still want our normal pro-sized textures.
This could be the start of a whole new sized texture pack series, depending on how popular they are with our fans, so feedback would be appreciated!
Sorry it’s been such a long time since our last post! We’ve both been busy with more important things like holidays:-) I have spent a lovely 10 days on the tiny Pacific Island of Niue, it’s such a relaxing and laid back kind of place and I’d love to return some day. I took lots of photos but most didn’t do the place justice and most aren’t really suitable for textures so you may not see them here, but if you picture coconut palms, very clear water, rock pools to snorkel or swim in and whales that you can see from the shore you’ll get an idea of what Niue is like.
Nurtured through an el Nino’s stormy season, the wettest spring or autumn, depending on your hemisphere, in over 100 years and having a swirly, misty, almost tonal feel, we quickly fell upon the Tempest name for this set.
Sorry about our long absence here on the blog, we do have a good excuse though, we’re excited to announce we’re busily working on a wonderful new pack!! You’ll be pleased to know it’s almost ready for launch so keep an eye out for the “mailer” with the details and if you’re not already on our mailing list there’s a joining form HERE!
On New Years Eve I visited the Queenstown area for the day, Queenstown being a very scenic and busy tourist town and the arguably the adventure tourism capital of New Zealand. It’s also one of the places to be on New Years Eve and naturally the town was extremely busy! To escape the crowds we drove to the head of Lake Wakatipu and….
I hope you’re all enjoying the new Pastel Painterly Textures as much as we are? I’m finding its textures particularly easy to use and not just for my usual flowers and still-lifes either, the pastels are working well on landscapes and beaches too!