


At Taiaroa Head at the entrance to Otago Harbour is a breeding colony of Northern Royal Albatross, the only such colony on inhabited mainland. These huge birds which have a wing-span of up to 3 metres, nest on the hills overlooking the harbour and if you’re lucky you can see them in flight, windy and stormy days are the best for this as they launch themselves off the cliff and rely on updraughts to get themselves airborne

On the Beach

On the Beach

We are so fortunate having such lovely beaches here in southern New Zealand and the fact that so many of them are so accessible and while I love deserted beaches, for my photos I like to have a human element. I tend to lag behind in my beach walks so I can get my long suffering “model” into the photo, in this case though, I swapped him for a more attractive silhouette



  Sometimes it's the unintentional photos that work the best! Yesterday afternoon I noticed some storm clouds brewing to the south so we rushed out to the beach to see if I could get some photos with dramatic skies over the sea but the heavens opened before I got...



  It's midwinter here in New Zealand and to celebrate the winter solstice Dunedin holds a midwinter festival, the highlight of which is the lantern parade. This years one was held on Sunday night after being cancelled on Saturday due to rain, paper lanterns and...

Stormy Sea now a book cover

Stormy Sea now a book cover

  It's always exciting to discover  one of your photos used on a book cover so I was very happy to spy this Getty licensed Flypaper textured one being used so beautifully on the cover of this new book,  Miss Fuller by April Bernard. The recipe has been published...



  Yesterday afternoon I put the Lensbaby Edge 8o on the camera and went for a walk on a  beach little to the south of the city,  a cold front and rain was predicted so I went armed with a jacket only to find it surprisingly warm. The sky was dramatic though, you...



  You can definitely feel winter is on its way  here in southern New Zealand. On the day that this photo was taken the wind was decidedly brisk to say the least. As we walked down the beach  I for one  wished I'd brought a jacket.  When we were almost back to the...

Looking North

Looking North

Another photo of my favourite beach, taken on a warmer and sunnier day than the previous photo of it I posted here.  I was lucky that I managed to catch a passing gull when I snapped this. Onto the  processing... Beau Linge Paysage @ Soft Light 13% masked from the...

Stormy Sunday

Yesterday our daylight saving/summer time started here in New Zealand, the weather was far from summery with showers and a biting cold wind. In the afternoon we decided to go for a walk at one of the city beaches but on arriving we discovered that the tide was too...

Another Beach

I textured and posted this one to flickr soon after we launched the spring painterly set, I especially loved the effect the impressionist Sisley texture gives here. Often you can get away with using just one texture in processing, but I tend to build up the layers to...